- Validate EUREF combined Zenith Path Delay (ZPD) parameters with ZPD derived from radiosonde (RS) data at co-located sites
- Variations and differences are influenced by the horizontal distance between the two stations
- Time series of differences reflect changes in analysis strategy
- Download of RS data provided by EUMETNET, based on the EUREF-EUMETNET MoU
- Processing ZPD parameters (software provided by H. Vedel, Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI))
- Geoid undulations at co-located sites are taken into account
- Differences at co-located sites for identical points in time
GNSS Solutions
- Results from GPS weeks 834 (1996) until 1824 (2014) are based on EPN-repro2 results.
- Results from GPS weeks 1825 (2015) until present are coming from the routine data analysis